A Juice Cleanse is fasting, so why fast?
As a people living in a modern society, we are exposed to unnatural, toxic chemicals at a rate faster than our bodies can safely eliminate. These toxins can accumulate in various tissues and organs throughout the body; however, they tend to accumulate primarily in fat cells and in the interior lining of our intestines.
The primary sources for this toxin accumulation include a nutrient-poor diet, stress, and man-made chemical toxins in our environment. Another significant factor is the lack of fiber in the standard American diet. Together, these causes can lead to a buildup of waste material and harmful bacteria, resulting in inflammation, digestive issues, and even chronic diseases. Fortunately, a raw juicing protocol (fasting) offers a natural solution to detoxify the body and promote overall health.
Juice Cleanse
Juices derived from fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, are rich in phytonutrient compounds such as chlorophyll, antioxidants (like vitamins A, C and E), and polyphenols. Antioxidants help combat oxidative stress caused by toxins, protecting cells from damage and reducing inflammation. Additionally, chlorophyll, found abundantly in leafy greens like spinach and kale, aids in detoxification by binding to toxins and facilitating their elimination from the body. All together, these functional plant nutrients possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that support gut health.
Furthermore, raw juices from fruits and vegetables contain beneficial enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze many chemical reactions in the body, supporting digestion and various metabolic processes. Fruits and vegetables are abundant sources of enzymes, particularly when consumed in their raw form.

The cold press juicing process preserves these enzymes since they are not subjected to high heat, which can denature or destroy them. By squeezing the fruits and vegetables raw, the enzymes remain intact, offering digestive support and enhancing nutrient absorption.
Consuming The Living Root Café’s fresh, raw, cold-pressed juices as part of a detox protocol enables you to effectively cleanse your colon, improve digestion, and boost your immune system.

The lRC juice cleanse
The Living Root Café juice cleanse consists of 6 juices in convenient 16 oz. bottles that are easy to store in your refrigerator at home or work. To maximize your detoxifying protocol, we offer a ONE-DAY, THREE-DAY or FIVE-DAY cleanse! Call to Preorder your cleanse today.
Pre-cleanse preparation
We cannot stress enough the importance of preparing for a juice cleanse (juice fast). We recommend you complete each of these three steps to properly prepare yourself for the ingestion of a high concentration of healing nutrients:
Step 1
First, on the day or days leading up to your cleanse, cut back or eliminate eating fast food, processed or highly refined sugary products (such as soda, cookies, chips, baked treats, etc.), coffee, alcohol, fish, meat, and dairy. Instead, eat plenty of whole, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, amaranth), and legumes as these are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Step 2
Second, get your mind ready by understanding there may be physiological effects likely to take place during and even after your cleanse. Some of these might include headache, nausea, gas or indigestion, and diarrhea—these will pass. In essence, you should expect some changes to happen as part of the body beginning the healing and detoxification process. But unless you experience serious acute symptoms, DO NOT take over-the-counter medications to relieve these symptoms. Drink plenty of water and exercise lightly to assist your system in eliminating the toxic waste that is screaming to get out!
Step 3
Third, be sure and plan to be close to restrooms and refrain from heavy work or mentally strenuous activities. Pay attention to changes in your urine and/or bowel movements so you make the connection between the ingestion of the raw juices and the elimination that results.
The Cleanse Protocol
Beginning at 7 or 8 a.m., drink one juice every two hours. You may supplement the fast with lemon water and herbal teas, but stay away from soda, coffee, black tea, and alcohol. Additionally, whether doing a one-, three- or five-day cleanse, try and get plenty of rest (at least 8 hours per night), as the body repairs itself while you sleep. Avoid emotional conflicts and stressful situations, as stress hormones are powerful and can negate the function and intent of the cleanse. This may mean keeping the TV off and staying off social media!
Unless otherwise instructed, drink the juices in the following order:
- 1
Green Awakening
- 2
- 3
Electric Lime
- 4
Orange Envy
- 5
Sweet & Sassy
- 6
Screaming Metals